Observe New Mexico Elections, funded by The Carter Center, is a nonpartisan election observation effort designed to increase trust and transparency in elections. The effort is led by and for New Mexicans. Observers will be trained about relevant laws, procedures, and safeguards in New Mexico’s electoral process and will verify that those procedures are followed consistently. Nonpartisan election observers represent all voters, do not interfere in the election process, and report what they see. Observers’ findings throughout the state will be aggregated to assess the quality of elections in New Mexico. The Carter Center has led similar efforts internationally for decades and is now engaging in related efforts here at home. We are honored New Mexico was among the handful of states they selected to participate this year.
Job Description for Logistician
Observe NM Elections, a project of the Carter Center, is seeking a detail-oriented logistician to:
- Organize in-person events, such as the program launch in central NM, an estimated 14 regional trainings around the state, an election day event, and virtual events such as Carter Center trainings for observers and possible monthly advisory board meetings
- Identify and book venues, find Spanish language interpretation and translation, prepare virtual communications for attendees and speakers, respond to follow-up questions from attendees, send reminders and print materials.
- Maintain project calendar of trainings, and meetings.
- Preferred: co-create agenda with State Leads, MC the event, act as the liaison to the hotel, organize and staff the election day event.
- Participate in the recruitment and track nonpartisan observers on a shared spreadsheet (over 200 people).
- Print, and mail kits to observers (or quality check, if you use UPS or FedEx) (200-300)
Identify county-level county clerk trainings, as well as dates for county testing of voting equipment, poll worker training and certification of results, to enable observers’ participation
Other colleagues with whom the logistician will be working:
- Liaison to Carter Center, Sarah Cooper
- 2 State Leads, Carmen Lopez and Sharon Berman
- Communications/PR/graphics/press (contract in progress)
Preferred start date: June 1
Proposed Pay: Dependent on experience
Budget considerations
Funding is budgeted for both food and the venue at each in-person training; observers will receive stipends for training, travel, incursion of reasonable expenses, and observing; funding is provided for printing and mailing kits to observers, zoom/MS forms/survey monkey and other necessary software will be available to the person in this position.
To apply, please fill out the form at the link below and attach a CV and Cover Letter. https://filerequestpro.com/up/uselectionsrecruiting